Hi, I’m Sarah, an accountant for my family-owned business. Most of the time, my husband oversees various construction sites, while I handle billing paperwork and invoices.
About six months ago, we got a restaurant innovation project, funded by a bank loan. I can’t reveal the restaurant’s name for some reasons. Anyway, The bank required us to provide AIA G702 and G703 payment applications for project invoice. To be honest, I had no any experience with these. I had read articles, tutorials, and watched a lot of videos to understand them. Every time my husband asked me to send an invoice to the owner, it’s a nightmare. I grab my calculator, sitting in front of computer, spent almost half day, meticulously adjust numbers, and deduct the retainage – something I learned for the first time. To cut it short, two months after completing the project, the bank emailed me, pointing out almost a $10K balance due to my math mistakes.
Well, I had to change this, that’s what I told myself. I was afraid to think about how many math mistakes I made in previous projects; I can’t imagine what if the bank didn’t email me. Then I started searching for software to help me with this daunting task. After a lot of searching, project demos, and comparisons, I decided to go with APARBooks. They truly provide awesome accounting features for companies like us, and cheap price. Not only do they help me finish the AIA payment application, but they also calculate project expenses and profits. To be honest, even with almost a decade in this business, I’ve never felt so clear about our project’s financial situation, and it’s so easy to do my job – knowing how much we’ll spend and how much we can earn from the project. Oh, the AIA payment application is just a small feature of the software.
Highly recommended.